BBC Woke - let’s talk about it

Thank you for visiting this page.It’s easy to laugh at the BBC’s blatant left-wing bias but the descent of the corporation into woke really is no joke. All of us, wherever we stand on the political spectrum, need to collectively say: “Stop! Enough is Enough! It is not your job to brainwash us with your peculiar, unBritish take on the world”. So bear with us while we add content to this page and please get in touch if you would like to contribute to it. The nation needs to have a conversation about the rot setting in at the BBC. And the BBC had finally better start listening.


The RCM chose a random day in December 2020 to analyse the output of BBC Radio 4 to see what examples of left-wing, woke bias we could find. The sheer amount was stunning and the insidious nature of much of it, frightening. Click here to read what we found.

 A few days ago, the Daily Telegraph published a story so ludicrous you would think it had been manufactured on purpose for April Fool’s Day. Horrifyingly, however, this was no wind up. Yes, BBC presenter James Wong really was claiming that gardeners were RACIST. Why? Because they regularly use terms like “heirloom” and “native” and “heritage”.

You can find this story here: BBC presenter criticised after claiming British gardening culture is “racist”.

Here’s an extract from the Daily Telegraph’s story, (which may be behind a pay wall) written by Brendan McFadden:

James Wong. (CREDIT: BBC)

James Wong. (CREDIT: BBC)

James Wong, 39, said the "fetishisation" of words such as "heritage" and "native" were examples of how "UK gardening culture has racism baked into its DNA".

The botanist, who has presented Countryfile and appeared as a panellist on Radio 4's Gardeners' Question Time, made the remarks on Twitter after a user shared an article he wrote last month questioning why horticulture wasn't perceived as more political.

The idea of field of ‘wildflowers’ (they ironically meant non-native cornfield weeds) was ‘more in keeping with the area’ is not just historically f*****. It also is predicated on often unconscious ideas of what and who does and does not ‘belong’ in the U.K.This is the kind of exhausting s*** you have to go through everyday if you work in U.K. horticulture. “Unless of course you internalise these unquestioned (often unconscious) ideas that are predicated in large part on a bedrock xenophobia and racism.
— James Wong

The always-excellent writers at The Conservative Woman have been monitoring the BBC’s output for some time. Log on to see their findings here: BBC Watch

Have you woken up yet?

Do you have a horror story of your own to tell about the BBC’s “woke” bias? Maybe you were quietly listening to what at first sounded like a gentle journalistic enquiry into Britain’s waterways on Radio 4, only to find that halfway through the programme, the BBC suddenly started to talk up the rights of Hindus to scatter their relatives’ ashes in British rivers - despite the objections of local people (who weren’t interviewed)? Oh yes, that’s where this seemingly innocuous documentary ended up. Or perhaps you got up early to listen to the Farming programme only to find a white Muslim convert reciting a poem about how we all had to deal with the “whiteness” in our midst, as if it was some sort of disease? If you have a similar story regarding BBC output, across its channels, let us know. Thank you.