President Donald J Trump: we salute you

Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, from 2017 to 2021

Donald J Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, from 2017 to 2021

By Robert J Davies

We have now reached the end of a remarkable era – on January 20th, 2021, Donald J Trump ceased to be President of the United States after four hugely successful years. During that time, the American economy has boomed but more importantly, Americans at last had a leader dedicated to upholding the values of the Founding Fathers, and a true believer in the American dream.

Even though his term has come to an end, with malicious opportunism, the Democrats now seek to impeach the President for inciting the insurrection on Capitol Hill. So much for Joe Biden’s claim that he would seek to heal America’s wounds. It’s not looking that way.

There is little hope that the new administration will be be a force for reconciliation. The Democrats have been playing identity politics for years and are now coming to power on the back of black, Latino and other ethnic votes. People of European descent – the population group which build the United States of America into the great superpower we know today – voted overwhelmingly for another four years of Donald Trump. Such is the changing demographic of America, that their favoured outcome did not succeed.

Thus we can expect the divisions in American society to grow ever larger as the Democrats desperately seek to please and appease the various minorities and vested interests which have propelled them to power.

Here in the United Kingdom, we can only look on with sadness, alarm and dismay at the way this once sure-footed nation is brought to its knees by ethnic division and conflict. We must, however, endeavour to learn some important lessons from it all as we become a sovereign, independent nation once again, for the first time since 1972. We now have it within our gift to be the country we want to be and reclaim our British identity.

We are foolish in the extreme if we allow the demands of minorities to get in the way of that. It’s high time that the squeakiest wheels ceased getting the most oil, and started rolling in the same direction as all the others. As in America, identity politics has done this country enormous harm. We can only hope to recover as a nation if we row back from this malaise. It won’t  be plain sailing. Leftist fury at finally losing the battle over Brexit has been re-channelled into nihilistic Marxist causes striking at the heart of Western civilisation, ironically, in the name of tolerance and equality.

We must not let them succeed in destroying us, in the hope of restarting this country from scratch, cut adrift from its past, as some sort of crazy, experimental socialist utopia. The forces of conservatism need to step up to the plate as a matter of urgency and rescue Britain from plunging into an abyss of misery and despair. The coronavirus has badly damaged our quality of life. But it won’t be with us forever. A vaccine should ensure that life goes back to normal. Only what is normal? The “normality” of living in some sort of modern-day East Germany, where free speech has been abolished and, to quote Sir Roger Scruton, we live as if constantly watched by an “invisible eye”?

Since the start of 2021, freedom of speech has taken a succession of body blows: President Trump permanently thrown off Twitter and suspended from YouTube and Facebook; Talk Radio temporarily blacked out on YouTube; social media platform Parler forced to shut; Ofcom quietly drawing up an Orwellian “hate crime” blueprint with wide-ranging powers of censorship.

It is no exaggeration to say that what we understand by Western Civilisation now hangs by a thread. Civilisations do not last forever but for all our sakes, we better try hanging on to this one for a while longer. The alternatives don’t look too appealing.

With this in mind, the Rural Conservative Movement will do what it can. We hope you will be willing to do so too. So let’s move forward into the New Year  with resolute determination to get our country back on track. And let me finish by saying, on behalf of us all, a big thank you to Donald J Trump, leader of the Free World, for standing up for the values all right-thinking people in the West hold dear. We salute you, Mr President, and wish you well for the future.

(This article was originally published as the leading article on the RCM homepage, from late January to early February, 2021)


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